Pelvic Floor Strengthening

Pelvic floor strengthening is something none of us should ignore, whether you’re a man or woman, these muscles are like a hamock and are responsible for holding in and supporting the bladder, bowels and womb. Women of menopausal age can also experience a weak Pelvic Floor due to hormonal changes. Karen believes it’s definitely worth while teaching people of any age group, male or female how to strengthen their Pelvic Floor, which are really a rather lazy group of muscles and this is why they shouldn’t be ignored! With many people still believing that Pelvic Floor exercise is only for pregnant and post pregnancy women, is it any wonder then, that this group of muscles have been allowed to weaken!!

Lesley Eccles

I have just completed 6 weeks of one-to-one pilates with Karen, I found her studio near Straiton posed no problems in travelling from Marchmont. The reason I signed up was to improve my core muscles and my pelvic floor – I’ve given birth three times and it really needed some work (this isn’t just for people who have recently had a baby!) Karen was very gentle and understanding of my needs, and really worked closely with me to improve the situation. Even after only 6 weeks, the difference is noticeable. I’m now able to run again without worrrying. The one-to-one sessions meant that she was able to closely observe when I needed more guidance, and remember my problem areas. It is a great way to build your confidence when you start out in pilates. Each week I left feeling calmer and stronger. I highly recommend it.